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Behold: The Power of the Skirt!

by Kelly Crawford

I loved the following post about wearing skirts that a fellow-blogger wrote. It has nothing to do with dress codes, or what is right or wrong about wearing pants….it’s just a practical observation she made that I think we would all do well to ponder. In a feminist-controlled society, we, as women of God, should desire to celebrate our femininity…to exercise the “power of the skirt”.

Most of us do not even give it a second thought; some of us actually rebel against “feminine dress” because it’s what we’ve always done. But we can’t deny the power, a nuance, if you will, about a woman who humbly, but confidently embraces her femininity. She is treated differently…more respectfully. Below is an excerpt…be sure to click on the link below to read the whole post!

“There is something about wearing a skirt that makes me feel powerful in my
femininity. Call me crazy, but I act more like a lady in a skirt. And I think,
although it may be my imagination, that I am treated better when wearing a skirt
or dress. And let me tell you, going out with the five kids, I could use all the
extra courtesy I can get!”
-Gombojav Tribe

P.S. I don’t think it is your imagination that you are treated better! I challenge my readers to experiment with the “skirt phenomenon”…(I’m sure many of you already dress femininely, and can already attest to it!) Purpose to dress more feminine, and let me know if you sense a difference in the reactions of other people (your husband included!) And be sure to include how you feel as a result!

Read the rest….


I would love your comments on this fun topic!

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Sarah July 23, 2007 - 6:17 pm

I had a sewing teacher in college who told us the same thing. She had taken courses at a public university and noticed how she was treated differently (more respectfully)from all the other women who were there, just because she wore dresses.

Mrs. Anna T July 24, 2007 - 5:53 am

Absolutely! As someone who used to wear only pants and now only wears skirts and dresses, I can tell you I felt a HUGE difference! Of course, some of the effect was simply because I switched to a (much) more modest style, but skirts do make me feel different – walking, sitting down, even speaking (!). I feel so much more powerfully feminine.

Mrs. Amy @ Clothesline Alley July 24, 2007 - 10:41 am

This is the truth! I have always loved skirts and dresses, but used to wear them much too short and tight to be “feminine” and/or modest. Upon switching my wardrobe to one that embraces and celebrates my femininity, I have been amazed at the changes in myself. My attitude, thoughts, and language, and other vulgar habits I picked up in my worldly days have dramatically improved, all from a change of heart that led to a change in dress. The treatment I have received from others has also changed dramatically, usually for the good, but occasionally some people are put off by my skirts and dresses. It’s amazing what power something as simple as clothing really does have.

Qtpies7 July 24, 2007 - 3:53 pm

I totally agree, not only with being treated better, but also with how it changes ME. I not only feel more feminine, I also feel more spiritually in touch with God. I don’t know why.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings July 25, 2007 - 10:02 pm

I wear skirts and dresses 100% of the time. I don’t even own a pair of pants or shorts. I haven’t always worn dresses or skirts like this though… just maybe 4 years ago I guess is when I got rid of the pants, jeans, shorts. I can attest that I do get treated differently now. I don’t wear short skirts either. My skirts and dresses are either mid-shin or lower.

Gombojav Tribe July 26, 2007 - 12:55 am

I haven’t given up pants entirely, and don’t intend to. I love a cute pair of capris. Although I don’t wear shorts. Nothing against them except that I’m bowlegged! 🙂 Skirts are better at hiding my flaws! LOL

WW, Thanks for linking to my blog! Glad you enjoyed it! More good stuff to come!


Mrs. Sara July 26, 2007 - 2:46 pm

It’s funny that you should bring up this topic, because I had been doing my own bit of research at work in the past few weeks.

I work at a Union Hall with steelworkers, and there are some rough folks down here on a daily basis. I have found that if I’m wearing a skirt, they have a tendency not to use coarse language, and if they let one slip, they apologize more often if I’m skirted than if I’m wearing pants. When I wear capris or pants, many of the men let the obscenities fly around me.

Word Warrior July 26, 2007 - 2:54 pm

Mrs. Sara,

That is indeed an interesting observation. We are often prone to dismiss the subject as being completely neutral, when, in fact, there are real effects tied to dressing femininly.

Just think back to the day where it was scandalous for a woman to wear pants…I believe the honor and deference they received from men had very much to do with their feminine behavior, which was closely tied to their attire.

Mrs. Sara July 27, 2007 - 9:21 am

I agree.

My husband and I were watching the movie “Idlewild” the other night, and in the movie, a beautiful woman who was a night club singer walked through a hallway, and the men present were absolutely falling over themselves to please her. I turned to my husband and said, “Women don’t have the same effect on men that they used to,” and he agreed.

I have noticed (and this may be an extremely elementary observation… forgive me, as I have only recently begun diving into this topic) that women nowadays have tried unbelievably hard to make themselves men. Or as manly as they can be… in order to be able to receive “equal rights” or demand respect or fit better into a male-driven workforce.

But I’ve noticed that the result of this has been a decline in respect from men, not the opposite.

Nowadays, a beautiful woman can walk down the street and get called the most filthy names… certain men may call out what he would like to do to her… and I believe it’s because many women have fought for the privilege to be included in a man’s type of world, if that makes sense.

Men don’t tiptoe around each other. They used to tiptoe around women, but women have made it clear that they want to be full part of men’s culture… and that’s unfortunately just what they’re getting.

Sarah August 9, 2007 - 9:53 am

I came upon your blog and just had to post on this subject. I am a Mary Kay consultant. In the materials in my training packet was a section on the dress code. Mary Kay consultants are required to wear a dress or skirt. Her reasoning was that women are taken more seriously when dressed femininely. My training packet showed two pictures side by side. Both women were dressed in professional type business attire, both in black suits, and both wearing the same accessories. The difference was that on one side was a women dressed in pants and the other side was a woman in a skirt. There was an inverted triangle over the woman in the pants. Why? Because she wanted to point out where the eye is naturally drawn…in this case when wearing pants the eye is drawn to the woman’s chest and private areas. In the photo with the skirt, the eye is naturally drawn to her face. Mary Kay director suits are only available in skirted options. She had done extensive research on the merits of dressing in the professional world. I found it very interesting that her sales were even higher when wearing skirts versus her pants. She noted different ways she was treated by colleagues and people she encountered on the street.

Word Warrior August 9, 2007 - 10:23 am

Thanks Sarah!

I have heard the inverted triangle analogy before and find a lot of merit to it. I’m surprised, and glad that Mary Kay was willing to make such a bold observation.

Thanks for sharing that interesting information…a lot of people don’t like to get all tangled up in detailed debates over these subjects, but I think we would do well to question, analyze and give deep thought to such matters!

fred April 27, 2008 - 3:50 pm

Here’s a man’s view on women and skirts.

I’m a college lecturer, ok? so I’m “smart”. big deal!

Costume is powerful. Its more than just something to wear.
A woman in a skirt or dress looks feminnine. There’s something almost mystical about that.
Skirts make me stop and think. “She’s a lady, not just a female clone trying to act like a man, or imitating a man.

“oh” some women say. “pants are more practical”.
Sure they are. But you lose something.
“But”, some women will say. “My job requires body positions that skirts interfere with.”
Really? Pioneer women WALKED (not rode) alongside covered wagons going out west. And they wore skirts. They had identity as women (distinct from men) Queen Elizabeth (the first) wore
gowns….not pants. She was powerful.

And if skirts make your job more difficult there’s a feminine alternative: Long pands sewn with wide legs….in silky fabrics and soft colors….and almost as feminine as a skirt.

Of course, if you’re a woman who only cares about the masculine value of “efficiency at all costs”, if you don’t cherish your feminine power,as a woman; not a clone of men…..then by all means, keep wearing those pant suits.

Fred Bear

Brenda April 27, 2008 - 9:26 pm

I love it! Great observations.

ChristiaMANity April 28, 2013 - 11:27 pm

It’s encouraging to me to read the posts so far. Extremely Good Website. Keep up the good work!


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