My first appointment with the doctor went really well, except that I am not as far along as I thought I was! I am only 14 weeks as opposed to 17 weeks. (Which relieved my fears about not having felt the baby move yet.)
But the baby looked healthy and we are praising the Lord for that! Also, my doctor assured me that the thyroid was not low enough to effect him/her, so that was a great relief.
He was so encouraging as he looked over my charts and asked me the ages of all my children. He stared at the list and then looked up, teary-eyed. “This is beautiful”, he said. “It brings tears to my eyes…you have really taught me a lot about children and the blessing they are”. Then he asked if they were all in the waiting room, and went out to see them. He is such a blessing.
A good day…very good day.
How wonderful! “Littlest” is so sweet, even in black in white! 🙂
Has the name game started yet? Do you find out the gender or do you let it be a surprise? What wonderful blessings He gives 🙂
Wow, this is really beautiful.
Some doctors are so cold. I have a feeling you’ve experienced the “So which birth control can I give you” routine.
But this is really wonderful and encouraging.
Congratulations!!!! so wonderful to get a peek at your little one! Praying for continued health and growing for you and baby!!! Blessings to you and yours, jen in al:)
That is so exciting for you! We are really close in our pregnancies, I am going to be 14 weeks along this Monday. I am so excited to see the ultra sound picture. I haven’t yet gotten to go to the doctor yet due to being “private pay”, which I’m a little nervous about but I pray that we will be able to have enough money soon!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Beautiful first portrait :0)
Our lives can most definitely be testimonies of
God’s goodness.
Your family is a blessing to many.
So very beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
I’m glad your dr. is like that! My current midwives are very encouraging like that but previous Dr’s and NP’s I’ve dealt with have gone to great lengths to scare me out of having more children. One nurse post-baby #2 even told me – “you know those after-birth contractions get more painful with each one…” as if that would convince me not to have more.
Oh Kelly! What an answer to prayer about your thyroid being a non-issue with your precious little one! Yipee!
What a good day indeed, my friend, a very “great” day given to you by your HEAVENLY FATHER!
I like your doctor….
Thank you for letting us see this little one!
Only 14 weeks and fully formed. Beautiful! What a blessing!
How awesome! So glad to hear baby is doing well. I love hearing about your Dr too. My Dr loves having the kids in the room (we only had 3 at that time) and was so encouraging. It is good to know there are more like him. 🙂
Blessings to you and all your littles (and not so littles). 🙂
What a sweet baby, and such a heartwarming story about your dr. I love taking my daughter to see our midwives, because they always love to let her play with them during my prenatal visits, rather than treating her like she’s in the way.
Praise the Lord! Good doctors. 🙂
I’m so glad to hear that all is going well! 🙂
What a sweet little blessing! And what a blessing to have a doctor like yours. They are truly rare in this day and age!
What a wonderful Dr.!! I’m so glad he/she is doing well!! Looks like we aren’t too far apart then. I’m about 13 weeks :). Stephanie
Wow, Kelly, I’m just amazed at the Dr.’s emotional reaction. That is such a blessing! It’s very rare to have that kind of conversation with a OB doc, I’m sure. What a strong testimony your family is in this world! I thank God for you!And what a sweet first portrait of your little one. Congratulations to your entire family!
Oh yes, the name game starts the first day I know! And we were going to find out gender this time (we’ve done both), but it’s still too early.
Name suggestions are always welcome!
Your doc makes me cry! That’s precious!
Congratulations…Rejoicing with you!
Okay Kelly, typing through tears here, so precious to see your little one, are we blessed or what???! I LOVE being pregnant, (I’m not right now) and I still tear up when I see those sweet glimpses into the womb. May God continue to keep you and bless you!
That little portrait is so exciting! I will have mine done later this month. I am only a few weeks ahead of you. I’m so glad you have a great doc–it makes a big difference.
Tears ARE appropriate! Your comments made me think of an older post I wrote…
So happy for you!!! =)
God is good! Thanks for sharing a picture of your newest miracle!
I have doctor envy (and baby envy 🙂 ).
I’ve convinced myself that the bit about the afterpains can’t possibly be true. I had contractions for four months, often throughout the day, after Firstborn was born. And maybe some more at six months, though that could have been a stomach bug. I find it hard to believe it could get much worse. I find that I need to tell this story along with my two-hour-labor story (although in retrospect, I was probably in labor every night for a month beforehand).
I absolutely love names. I have picked names for my next sixteen children, which probably qualifies me to be institutionalized.
Peter Immanuel, Benjamin Sidney, Josiah Daniel, Shem Mark, Jeremiah Hezekiah, John Moses, Gideon Malachi, Christian Japheth
Rebecca Ruth, Mara Eve, Joy Faith, Lucinda Rose, Elizabeth Susanna, Leah Martha, Lily Faith, Charity Bethlehem
Of course, I also like Judah, Brigham, Locke, Camden, Charlton, Stephen, James, Elijah, Glory, Victory, Hosanna, Alfred, George, Ernest, Reagan, Gary, Mephibosheth, Jonathan, Naphtali, Levi, Bram, Christiana…. um, I like names. And I like Luke, but my last name is Cooper.
Names for miscarried children who may or may not exist:
Joseph (or Anna), Isaiah, Elisha, Enoch, Simon Hosea, Maranatha, Ruby, and Joy.
Firstborn is Hannah Jane.
Young Christian Woman,
LOL! Those are some great names. I have the same problem thinking of names all the time, but a hard time coming up with “just the right one” when the baby’s here!
I love thinking of baby names! I’m always telling my husband new names I think of…he always looks at me odd and says, “Yes, but you’re not pregnant right now.” Then ten minutes later he will come to me and tell me some baby names he thought of. I, of course, look at him and say, “Yes, but I’m not pregnant right now!”
We do this at least once a month.
So sweet. I think the most beautiful site in the world was the first time I saw my son in a sonagram – the midwife thought I was going to have yet another miscarriage. But he was kicking and wiggling all over the place.
I would have loved to have had a huge family.