Home motherhood/family/parenting “As You Walk”: Deliberate Discipleship

“As You Walk”: Deliberate Discipleship

by Kelly Crawford

There is something strangely restful, peaceful, in the simplicity of snapping beans. There’s the porch, the rhythmic monotony of snapping, the cool summer breeze, and seeing all my children using their hands from the picking to the preparing of the food that we will eat the same night.

And it’s easy to miss, but oh the richness of this soul-soil!

“Amazing, isn’t it, that the Lord uses the dirt, the sun and the rain to give us food!”

Simple and profound, all at the same time, and we must always remember His hand, and I’m thankful that this day, we can eat something that doesn’t come from a shelf.

“Don’t you love this work?” (Yes, they snicker.) “You know the Bible says that a virtuous woman works willingly with her hands. Thank you for being willing, when I asked you to help me, and not complaining. You are already working on becoming a virtuous woman.

It also says that ‘she opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness’. I want to be a woman like that, don’t you? I have a lot of work to do. But can’t you see her? Strong, working, wise and kind?

Brooks volunteers his bowl to his sister. They don’t always choose the kind thing, but this time, I catch it.

“You are such a gentleman, Brooks, thank you for showing her kindness.”

And we carry on, snapping, and then they run off to play.

And we pray our words drop like seeds, into fertile soul, and that as we weed, water and prune they would bear fruit. And that God would do what only He can do–that miracle of making it grow.

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Jennifer July 23, 2012 - 7:13 am

Beautiful picture of what this should look like! I feel like I fail at this more than I succeed but my hearts desire is to “live it out” before them and with them in all of our daily tasks!

Dianne July 23, 2012 - 7:42 am

Thanks for pointing out the simple, but beautiful and true things.

Cindy July 23, 2012 - 10:00 am

Thanks for some practical wisdom on how to direct our hearts and thoughts and sayings to the right. I, too, fail at this, but it is posts like this that point me back in the right thought processes.

Thanks again.

Tricia July 23, 2012 - 7:20 pm

Beautiful. God’s love is in every single part of the picture you paint in this post. I pray you and your children will always be close to each other and to Jesus.

6 arrows July 23, 2012 - 9:00 pm

Very nice post, Kelly…elegant in its simplicity.

BTW, neat welcoming picture on your home page! I like the colors. 🙂

LuAnne July 24, 2012 - 6:27 am

How lovely Kelly! I love the phrase “we pray our words drop like seeds”!

Heather July 24, 2012 - 11:10 am

Love it! Transfering a way of life… 🙂


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