Sometimes in life we must rehearse what we know, review what we’ve lived and beg the Lord for mercy to keep walking in truth.
If I’ve ever needed reminders such as this post from the archives, it is now. Let’s pray for each other that the storms of life don’t distract us in the important places.
Motherhood is made up of that complex design that requires so much from us, and yet requires so little.
There is so much to be done, and yet what our children need from us is not hard. Time, tenderness, instruction and direction. They need to walk alongside us in life. That is how we impart to them what is important. That is how they come to trust us and believe us and allow us to transmit the great lessons of life. Do I let them into my life? Or do I shoo them away so I can get more done?
Does the pressing list of my day rob my children of a first-morning smile? Does my schedule squeeze out a mid-day hug? Can I let them into everything–the essence of building relationships, speaking through my actions, “You are important to me right now”?
A few years, and my building time is gone. Their cement foundations will be dried and firm. Am I letting God’s Word become real in my relationships?
Standards are good. Guidelines, necessary. Principles and even concrete “family rules” are appropriate.
But those will only produce the real fruit we desire if our children know that we love the Lord above anything else, and that what we do as a family springs from that love.
Wow, that hit me right in the heart, thanks for reposting it!
Been praying for you most fervently Kelly, you and your dear ones. May the Lord bless you with the encouragement and refreshment you need each day to be a broken vessel of the gospel-lived-out for your little flock.
btw, I just, for the first time, noticed your Amazon link. I shop there all the time. If I go to Amazon through the link on your sidebar and then check out, will it automatically give you credit? If so, I’ll start doing that…every little bit helps. 😉
Thank you Amy! Yes, I get a commission for purchases you make through my link.
Good deal…I’ll let my friends and family know about your link as well, as I’m always telling people about my ‘great deals’ on Amazon.
Prayers and love,
Amy B.
It is always such a humbling experience when the Spirit reminds me how I let the truly important things be displaced, even temporarily, by the trivial-but-urgent. And when I live with the perspective of what He wants me focused on in this moment, in each moment, those wrong priorities fall away. But, I must be reminded. Too often. I am so very thankful He is so very patient.
The kids are so faithful to lift all of you up in prayer during our morning time in school. May He continue to meet all of your needs and sustain you through this season.
Thanks for the reminder! I love your blog, your words are encouraging to me. Keep up the good work…we are praying for you as well!
Absolutely Awesome post!
I just wanted to say, I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and just wanted to let you know, you and your family are in my prayers.
Blessing from California!
Beautiful! Peace and calm just washes over me reading this. Thank you, Kelly.