Home Uncategorized All-in-One “How the Tornado Affected the Crawfords”

All-in-One “How the Tornado Affected the Crawfords”

by Kelly Crawford

Someone told me it would be helpful if all the posts about the tornado that affected our family were in one place. So here it is, in chronological order! (As well as other links that may include news stories, videos, etc.) As I add updates, I will also include them in this post. Right now things are well. We are in the rebuilding process which is a bit stressful as we fight the clock, and one of my children is suffering from what appears to be adrenal fatigue. If you think to pray, we would be most grateful.

‎”When my life is not what I expected, the plans I made have failed
When there’s nothing left to steal me away, will You be enough for me? Will my broken heart still sing?

If I lost it all, Would my hands stay lifted, to the God who gives and takes away
You take it all, This life You’ve given, STILL MY HEART WILL SING TO YOU.”

God is Mighty to Save…All is Not Lost

Tornado Update April 30 (from Kathy–videos and pictures)

I Am Persuaded

Sending Smiles

Hearts and Treasures

Mailing Addresses for Lees and Crawfords

Beauty for Ashes on April 27 Part 1 (The Story)

Beauty for Ashes on April 27 Part 2

Beauty for Ashes on April 27 Part 3

Beauty for Ashes on April 27 Conclusion

Be still My Soul

When Love Looks Like Lumber (First building update)

A Door I Adore

Update: On Building and Scrap Wood

Update: Six Months After the Storm

We’re Finally Home!

Storm Strikes Again–2013


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Valerie July 22, 2011 - 10:50 pm

I will for sure pray for your child who may have Adrenal Fatigue. I suffer from it terribly right now (along with other hormonal imbalances). It is a tough one, for sure, but there are good things that can help. I am not sure if you want any unsolicited advice, so I will just give you my easiest and cheapest remedy. Before your child eats or drinks anything in the morning, have them drink a cup of water with fresh lemon squeezed in it. Anything that helps you liver, “can” help your Adrenals. I am praying.

Word Warrior July 23, 2011 - 9:25 am


Thank you–we will definitely do that. I know lemon juice is a great alkaline-balancing food anyway.

Debbie July 23, 2011 - 7:49 am

Praying for your child. I have a friend with Adrenal Fatigue. She is starting to get better after many years.

6 arrows July 23, 2011 - 9:30 am

I, too, am praying for your child who may have adrenal fatigue, and for all of you in general as you rebuild. May you experience a generous portion of God’s grace as you weather the stresses in your lives right now, and know that, as believers, all these things will work out for good.

Kelly, I also wanted to thank you for the words in the second half of your post (the italicized portion). I found them to be a great comfort to read last night after coming home from the funeral of a very dear friend of mine and fellow homeschooling mom who went to be with the Lord on Monday. Those words were so soothing to me…God’s perfect provision at just the time I needed them most. Thank you for posting them.

Shelly July 24, 2011 - 3:42 pm

I have been reading your blog for quite a while now, but seldom comment…I am always too in awe of your gift of spiritual insight to say anything!

Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for sharing your story. I’m sure it’s the same for many others, too, but when I see news about tornadoes I always feel bad for the people, and pray, but it never really hits me that it’s REAL!! It could be a family just like mine.

I read all the story posts and wept for you and your friends. But…it was such a blessing to me to read and see the constant thread of the Lord’s mercy and provision through it. I also felt the Lord very near to ME as I read.

I have recently been through some traumatic experiences (not like yours, but still hard)and have become very aware of the promises of the Lord never to leave or forsake “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death”.

Thank you again for sharing, and I will be praying for you, and eager to see the continued outpouring of the Lords grace and blessings on your family! What a testimony you will have!

On a practical note, I want to commend you on your wisdom to notice adrenal fatigue symptoms in your child. That is definitely something to watch for in the coming months also, and with you, too! Not just your children.

I’m recovering from adrenal fatigue, it was/is a hard road.

Blessings to you!

Word Warrior July 24, 2011 - 7:59 pm

Thank you Shelly! I pray you DO feel the Lord’s grace and provision in your life as we have. He IS sufficient.

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