Home abortion Abortions Increasing…Planned Parenthood? Explain.

Abortions Increasing…Planned Parenthood? Explain.

by Kelly Crawford

Do you ever just get mad? Over things worth getting mad about…but you don’t really know what to do about it?

A report I heard today said that abortions have taken a sharp increase over the last few months. So what of Planned Parenthood’s claims (that dumb Americans buy hook, line and sinker) that more reproductive education and wider distribution of birth control is the answer to fewer abortions?

“With Planned Parenthood spending millions on public relations campaign saying it wants to reduce the number of abortions, the staggering decline should lead to fewer abortions. Not so.” From Life News

All this whining about “women’s rights” and “we just care about the women” is such baloney that it makes me sick. If you care about the women, why not spend some time offering facts about the devastation of abortion on the psychological and physical health of a woman, and talk some about adoption alternatives? If it was really about human rights, why not funnel all that money into affordable adoption clinics?

Let’s see…could it have anything to do with the fact that PP makes millions of dollars (increasing by the year) from abortions?

A PP center in Washington saw annual revenues skyrocket from 17 million to 35 million!!! Tell me again about how MY tax dollars are being used to “reduce” the number of abortions performed in the US?

My hair’s on fire.

Hey…seems I may be returning to normal after all 😉

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Mrs Flam January 5, 2009 - 7:45 pm

so somewhat related , do you know that nearly all the girls in state custody(in all continental us states) (weather for offense , taken from their families , surrendered , abandoned ect) are forced by law to undergo injections of depro provera every three months upon onset of puberty ? Your Tax dollars at work.
Killing the innocent ,and Poisoning the innocent.

rixja January 5, 2009 - 7:46 pm

Great to see you “back in action”!

Providing affordable adoptions would be an excellent solution. There are so many of us willing and wanting more children and have loving, stable homes. The hurdles that one has to go through now for adoption are certainly not for the faint-hearted.

It is sad how easily deceived that some women/teens are when they are told that the baby in their womb does not have life. What a blessing those precious babies would be if they were given a chance to be born.

rixja in FL

Michelle January 5, 2009 - 9:27 pm

I agree with the first poster. First the adoption industry needs to be reformed in a big way – it needs to not only be free for the birth mom (which it typically is) but also very low cost for the adoptive parents.
Second thing. My hair’s on fire too about paying for abortions (and BC for that matter) through our taxes. Its something that I’ve given alot of thought to recently. Do you think that that is serious enough an offense against God (considering we KNOW that its going on and we’re paying for outright sin/murder) to civilly disobey? Do you think this is an area that if Christians collectively civilly disobeyed, would the government change?

I’m disappointed that more Christians aren’t raising heck about this and instead are just taking it lying down…Like you, I really want to do something but don’t know what.

Word Warrior January 5, 2009 - 9:55 pm

“Do you think that that is serious enough an offense against God (considering we KNOW that its going on and we’re paying for outright sin/murder) to civilly disobey?”

My VERY thoughts as I wrote the post. Will we be held accountable?

It’s such a tough issue–“render to Ceasar”, but where do you draw the line? If it’s to be drawn at all, certainly this would the place. Definitely something I think Christians (including myself) need to give more serious thought to.

Gombojav Tribe January 5, 2009 - 10:34 pm

In that same vein, Michelle and Kelly, is the reason that many Christians choose not to carry health insurance. They see it as an unethical act to support a company where they know their premiums are going to support abortions, sex changes or other medical procodures that are contrary to their beliefs.

We may not have a choice about taxes, but we do have a choice about whether to send our money monthly to an insurance carrier.

Just a thought…..

Word Warrior January 5, 2009 - 11:24 pm

Quotes to seriously ponder:

In the words of James Madison:

“The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to Him, from whose punishment they cannot protect us. All human laws which contradict His laws we are in conscience bound to disobey.”

Thomas Jefferson:

“To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

Young Christian Woman January 6, 2009 - 10:32 am

I think I am going to suggest to my husband that if we do end up paying taxes, we write specifically that our money is not to be used for birth control or abortions. Will it matter if they actually respect that? Probably not. Will they even respect it? Doubtful. But, you know, at least it’s something.

I also really wish that there were informed consent for hormonal birth control and IUDs. Abortion, most people know it kills a baby–birth control, many people really don’t.

jonash January 6, 2009 - 12:03 pm

Planned Barrenhood, you mean. 🙁

I wish parenthood was natural, expected, and less feared.

Boy, I’m dreaming, huh?

Good to have you “back”!! 🙂


Civilla January 6, 2009 - 2:21 pm

Wow. I never knew that BC pills were abortive. I also didn’t know that PP made revenue! This is awful. I never thought about medical insurance premiums going for bad things. Makes you think. I’m glad that we are so low-income that we don’t pay income taxes. (As a pastor, my husband is considered “self-employed”, and because we don’t earn much, we don’t fall into the income tax bracket. We just have to pay both sides of our social security.) That is one way not to have your tax money go for bad things — be low income. Be as self-sufficient as you can so that you don’t need to earn that much in income. Although, you do end up paying taxes for bad things in other ways, I’m sure.

authenticallyme January 6, 2009 - 3:55 pm

Mrs Flam…do you have something I could read on the internet regarding girls in custody being required to get the Depo shot? Id love to read it.

Does anyone know biblical examples of where one didnt have to ‘render to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s’and was still right with God?

I know for myself, its not that I dont want to ‘raise a lot of heck’ over the issue, I just feel led to fight other battles right now. Individually, we cant become an advocate in practical ways for EVERY issue.

I did not realize that birth control and abortions were ever paid by tax dollars…I know sometimes health insurance cover them, but those are always privatized, no? With exception of the state welfare….I am on that for the last two years…havent had health insurance for 6……and I can tell you mine covers very little. I DO know that Planned Parenthood either just recently, or will in the near future, be receiving governemnt grants…to make birth control free for low income families. Currenly, that is the ONLY example I know to be true of birth control being covered (except by private health care companies), and that ddint include abortions. I am wondering if anyone can guide me otherwise to something concrete I can read where this positively happens? I just want to be educated on this…….

I also though Palnned Parenthood only made enough revenue to keep its doors open? rent, paying associates, doctors, supplies, etc. Again, Id be interested to read otherwise.

I think oftentimes many younger or ill-educated women have heard in so many words that the baby inside them isnt ‘fully’ a life, so they get the abortion. Sadly, many young girls (and adults even ) arent emotionally mature enough to sort through such an issue, to make a well educated decision. They simply have not been taught where, how, or WHY to even bother looking. Im wondering if people were more educated, if they might sdecide otherwise. I dont mean SEX-educated……i know that area has supposedly improved.im talking about people being absolutely informed as to what an abortion really is.

Bottom line for me is, I cant control what another will do to their God-given body, or child. If I could, id stop all child abuse today. We would put an end to all sin. All we can do is possibly speak out…and pray for our country, and those affected around us.

My husbands’ counselor’s wife runs a side ministry off Young Life, called Young Lives. She goes into high schools and tries to encourage the young impoverished moms, takes them on outings, and spent christsmastime helping them makes inexpensive gifts to give to their parents, etc. I am not a person who can minister to hundreds at a shot…..I am more effective at one-on-one adventures as they come my way….instead of fighting the big, court fight over it, i am more likely to just try and touch one life at a time, of someone who is near me in proximity……

Word Warrior January 6, 2009 - 4:35 pm

It’s a couple of years old, but another article expose of Planned Parenthood:


Angela January 6, 2009 - 9:59 pm

Here is a more recent article on PP in Kansas.


Angela January 6, 2009 - 10:08 pm

Type in exposing planned parenthood and many articles and videos will come up.

misty January 7, 2009 - 1:55 am

Wow, I didn’t realize that my insurance premiums could support abortions. I am going to check into that! I recently heard a statement from someone, they said something to the effect that legislation isn’t going to change the moral issues we have in America that prayer and standing for what we believe such as not paying our taxes because when we pay taxes we are supporting murder etc. and that when we sit in jail (because we didn’t pay our taxes)and pray then we will see a change…interesting thought…


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