Legalizing the killing of a person doesn’t make it right. Killing a person you haven’t seen yet doesn’t make it right. Killing a person because your life will be changed by it or require some sacrifice doesn’t make it right. Killing a person because of someone else’s crime or sin doesn’t make it right.
Nothing makes the killing of an innocent person right. Nothing.
Jessica is doing her part to try to be a voice for the millions of people being slaughtered each day in the ironically twisted name of “women’s rights”; to defend that basic, constitutional right that every human is entitled to. Just as we would rise up against a dictator like Hitler who believed he had a right to destroy life based on his perceived value of that life, so should we–regardless of race, religion or political view–rise up against the atrocities taking place around us silently.
Read more about Jessica’s heart at Rachel’s Voice.
Very well put.
A song by Barlow Girl sings about this. Have you heard it? Get ready to cry….
Amen!! and…I really do like animals..but when we value the life of an animal..endagered or whatever..more then we do a makes my heart sick.We live in Florida and their is so much hype over saving the panther and the money spent to save makes me sick because of the way abortion is just so readily accepted! My husband and I went to a wedding on the other coast last month and passed a HUGE Sanctuary devoted to saving Panthers and all I could do was cry over the fact that know..PEOPLE..old and young are so more important!! my soapbox…for now..
please watch
JUST watched it. Awesome. I really enjoy Ray Comfort. Sarah, that’s what I came over to recommend!
I *LOVE* the 180 Movie, it is SO well produced and is SO convincing. It shows strong pro-choicers changing their minds about abortion in just seconds – why? Watch the documentary! :o)
I’ve been seeing links to this video in the comments to Kelly’s last few posts, and I finally got a chance to watch it today. Oh my goodness! PHENOMENAL! It has since been emailed, tweeted, facebooked, and blogged! If I could think of another outlet with which to broadcast it to the world, I would, lol. The world NEEDS to see this video. AMAZING!
I really liked it as well. But, I have to admit that I was incredibly disturbed by the number of people who were interviewed who had NO IDEA who Adolph Hitler was. To me, that is a very frightening commentary on our society.
Abortion is not reproductive, it is not healthy, and it most certainly is NOT caring! A great way to quickly refute the common pro-choice reasons why a woman should be able to get an abortion: “should the woman also be able to kill the baby after s/he is born for the same reason(s)?” Of course the answer will be no! Therefore, the real question is not about the mother’s circumstance surrounding her pregnancy, but whether or not the unborn are human!
Awesome real-time video of a baby 4 weeks after conception (watch all the others, they are way cool!):
5 bad ways to argue about abortion, more refutations of pro-choice logic:
Effectively responding to Moral Relativism (the belief that two opposing views on one subject can be right, aka “I’m personally opposed but……”)
Single best pro-life argument (just under 3 minutes)
Are there rare cases when an Abortion is justified? The hard cases:
There are so many more excellent resources out there on the web that I have bookmarked. And kudos to the 180 movie crew!
Here’s a question I never thought to ask the pro-abortion people: If the baby that was killed while in the womb is female, what about her “women’s rights”?
This is the same question that Gianna Jessen (aborted alive and survived) has used to challenge pro-choicers and supporters of Planned Parenthood:
“If abortion is merely about women’s rights… then what were mine? There was not a radical feminist standing up and yelling about how my rights were being violated that day. In fact my life was being snuffed out in the name of women’s rights.”
Abortion is an atrocity that we have legalized. And yes, it’s very similar to Hitler’s ideas. Get rid of a group of people solely based on one common denominator. For him it was their faith. For women who abort, it’s the location of the child. And yes, it’s location. If that child was just out of their birth canal they wouldn’t dare rip it apart, scramble it’s brains, or hurt it in any other capacity. But out of sight and it’s all good. Sickening.
I think that hardest thing to deal with is that most of these people TRULY do NOT believe that the baby in their womb IS a baby!! I know it seems impossible for us to believe. And I know that there are doctors and abortionists who DO know better and still do it anyway. But, I think the trouble with the vast majority of women who seek abortions is that they have been told that they have a “ball of tissue” in them (like a cancerous growth–*shudder*) and not a CHILD. I think if many of them understood the truth, they would not seek out this horrific operation.
Prayers. Always prayers. And grace. And truth. Thank you, Kelly.