Home Shop Make & Sell Your Own Skin Products

Make & Sell Your Own Skin Products

Have you always wanted to work from home? Do you need to earn some extra cash?

Find out how I started a skin product business from home when we were sunk in debt and needed some extra income.

This book explains, step-by-step, how you can start your own business today–it’s easy!


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                                   Grandma Bea’s Natural Products

      You will learn about:

  • where to look for supplies
  • how to brand and package your products
  • how to find your market
  • how to advertise and grow a customer base
  • where to get recipes, and a lot more!

One customer writes:

“Wow…this was so helpful! We are about to launch our skin product business and I had no idea it could be so simple! Thank you tremendously for sharing all your information!” -Barbara T.

“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.” -Beverly Sills


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Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas (Ways We Saved One Year When We Were Broke) | November 12, 2013 - 1:04 pm

[…] is the actual basket I gave as a gift that prompted me to start our skin product business. The tile pot was inspired by a bunch of broken tile my husband had found on a remodeling job. (We […]

Elizabeth November 12, 2013 - 4:48 pm

Hi Kelly,
I am just wondering about the price of this ebook? It says $3.97 here, but when I add it to my cart it says $5.97? Thanks!

Kelly Crawford November 12, 2013 - 4:52 pm

Oops! Thank you for pointing that out. I had failed to change the price in the system. It’s fixed now.

Catrina Sutera July 20, 2017 - 2:37 pm

Well written, good read.


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