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Homeschool Planner

Simplify your homeschool day with this all-purpose homeschool planner! This 42-page planner has everything you need! Daily, weekly and yearly plan pages, book logs, password pages, class schedule pages for up to 6 kids (more can be copied if needed) and so much more! Just print and start organizing your homeschool day!

$9.95Add to Cart

Think Outside the Classroom

Are you stressed out with homeschooling? Do you want to homeschool but are afraid? Are you a homeschooling mother who worries that you aren’t “doing enough”? Are you thinking of homeschooling but feel afraid that you aren’t qualified? If so, this book will give you answers. Whether you are one of those tired moms, contemplating giving up, or just need some relief, or whether you are considering homeschooling and don’t know where to start, you’ll find this ebook full of answers and practical help.  Read more…

Paperback version $7.99 Add to Cart

Click now to buy the Kindle Version $4.97

Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard

Are you struggling as a mother right now? “This book is your comrade in the trenches. It is a life-book, you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal.” Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is for the weary mom or the mom who is discouraged and in need of real, practical help in her calling. See why women are raving about the benefits of having this daily dose of Mommy-help in their hands!  Read more…

Paperback version $8.99 Add to Cart

Click now to buy the Kindle Version

10 Secrets to Raising Happier Kids

It’s every parent’s desire–to raise happy kids! But life can become busy and hard and frankly, we forget some of the simple things we can do to ensure we give our kids the best chance at loving who they become and facing life with optimism. This book is a short, simple reminder of 10 ways we can help raise happy kids. It’s practical, easy to read and just what you need for your parenting journey!

Click here for KINDLE VERSION

The Motherhood Mission

The Motherhood Mission  is the best of the best–the one-stop shop for moms serious about their job, desiring to be the best wives and mothers they can be, needing some help along the way as they do this Kingdom work that is not for the faint of heart.

Don’t journey alone! Find out why thousands of women come to Generation Cedar for encouragement and join them. TMM  is a great place to start!

Find a ton of powerful articles on motherhood, marriage, homeschooling and having babies. You will be changed, I promise. Read more…

Click now to buy the Kindle Version

God’s Heart Toward Children: And the Profound Effect it Has On Us

Sadly, Christians have long allowed the culture to inform their opinion of children, which has had overwhelming consequences for the Church. What is the purpose of children, and how does that answer change our lives? In every way. Read this short, powerful book that helps us see children through the eyes of God, which equips us for living out our faith in new and exciting ways.  Read more…

Click now to buy the Kindle Version $4.97

Easy Health for Busy Moms

Do you want to be healthier but find it hard to find the time? It’s an easy-to-read, dense Ebook full of nutritional facts, health “short-cuts”, recipes and simple suggestions and reminders to help the busy mom improve her and her family’s health without radical diet changes!  Learn which foods are “power foods”, which foods simply adding to your diet can help you lose weight, and much more!  Read more….

Click now to buy the Kindle version

How to Get Out of Debt & Live Financially Free

Are you tired of debt? Do you long to be financially free? It’s time to get out of debt, stop worrying about how the bills are going to get paid, and enjoy the peace God intended us to have in our finances! We’ve been there….and we’ve learned a lot!  Climbing out from under a mountain of debt on one income hasn’t been easy!  In this ebook I share with you the practical things we did to get out of debt as well as the inspiration you need to make it happen. Read more…

Click now to buy the Kindle version

Make & Sell Your Own Skin Products

Would you like to make money from home? As much as we would all like to find the “get rich overnight” solution, it is much more realistic to find a niche that fits your personality and gifts, and then establish a home business, making money at it. I did just that about three years ago, when our family was struggling financially.  Dedicated to being a homemaker, I decided to start a homemade skin-product business from home.  In this e-book, I lay out plainly and simply, how you can start a business like the one I did.  Read more…

Click now to buy the Kindle version

Simple Cooking to Save You Money

Are you saving all the money you can in the kitchen?

Simple Cooking is a book with simple, practical instructions about how to start cooking from scratch with a focus on helping you save money.  Healthier eating is a perk that comes with that! Learn some basic, easy-to-follow rules about cooking from scratch and choose from recipes that I’ve included to help you get started! And as a bonus, there is a great  list of extra money-saving tips at the end of the book! Read more…

Ebook Version $4.97 Add to Cart

Getting Your Children to Obey

Are you struggling to get your children to obey?

Do you enjoy your children?  Do they obey the first time?  Do you like taking them places?  If not, this little book may change your life.

From a happy customer: “Thank you for putting your “Getting Your Children to Obey” e-book online!  With four children, it doesn’t take long for things to get out of hand in the parenting department… your e-book was a great refresher course in what I needed to be doing as a parent to bring obedience back into my home.  Consistency is the key and I will be going back to this e-book again and again!  Thanks!” -Laura    Read more

Ebook Version $5.97 $3.97 Add to Cart

Scripture Songs CD–For Easy Bible Memorization

Scripture memorization is such a powerful, important exercise but oh so hard! That’s why we recorded By Heart, a CD with longer passages of Scripture put to music to help your family easily memorize God’s Word! Listen to clips now or learn more…

Get it NOW!

 Download $8.97   Add to Cart

 CD $10.00  Add to Cart


» Homeschooling: Only the Experts are Qualified? April 20, 2009 - 10:03 pm

[…] Our Ebooks […]

» Thrifty Thursday April 23, 2009 - 8:20 am

[…] Our Ebooks […]

» Obedient Children: The Exception? May 6, 2009 - 12:39 pm

[…] Our Ebooks […]

» Thrifty Thursday: Saving for an Emergency Fund May 7, 2009 - 4:02 am

[…] Our Ebooks […]

» Enterprising Family June 8, 2009 - 7:27 am

[…] Our Ebooks […]

Homeschool Entrepreneur » Blog Archive » The Winners of The Summer Blogging Contest September 18, 2009 - 3:58 pm

[…] The MOMPRENEUR Blog Category – Homeschooling WAHM. She won the ebook from Generational Cedar, How to Make and Sell Your Own Skin Care Products! […]

» A Penny Saved is MORE than a Penny Earned October 1, 2009 - 9:10 am

[…] Ebooks […]

» Our Family October 10, 2009 - 5:18 pm

[…] Ebooks […]

» Day After Thanksgiving Sale November 24, 2009 - 1:34 pm

[…] Ebooks […]

» Thrifty, Fun, Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas December 11, 2009 - 9:01 am

[…] Ebooks […]

» Saving Money During the Holidays April 25, 2010 - 4:40 pm

[…] Ebooks […]

Practical Ideas For Relieving Christmas Stress | December 2, 2010 - 8:40 am

[…] are some other homemade and practical gift ideas in my ebook, “Easy Homemade Gifts”, which is only $2 right […]

Balancing Your Life: Healthy, Happy Homemaker | April 19, 2011 - 9:06 am

[…] recently wrote “Easy Health for Busy Moms” because I wanted to show women how easy (and painless) it can be to ease into a healthier […]

Early Sale AND a Give Away: The Perfect Gift…Cheaper! | November 22, 2011 - 10:09 pm

[…] Get ahead of the Black Friday madness, save money and simplify your gift giving this Christmas…why not give gift certificates to spend here at our website on our natural skin products, our Scripture CD or our ebooks? […]

“Simple Christmas” Series: Giving Gifts | November 27, 2011 - 11:29 pm

[…] I compiled an ebook with pictures and tutorials of all our homemade gifts for that year. Easy Homemade Gifts is still available and customers have told me how thankful they were for the great, easy gift […]

You Missed My Black Friday Sale | November 24, 2012 - 8:42 am

[…] Finding Financial Freedom […]

Frugal, Unique, Simple, Homemade, Creative Gift Ideas for Christmas | December 5, 2012 - 10:52 pm

[…] more fun ideas, my ebook, Simple Homemade Gifts is only .99 right […]

Giveaway: ‘Seeing the Everyday’ & ‘When Motherhood Feels Too Hard’ | Owlhaven December 31, 2012 - 1:56 am

[…] I always find encouraging. Her book is equally encouraging and offers devotions, advice and renewal For When Motherhood Feels Too Hard.  Kelly is an experienced Christian momma with lots of good stuff to say, and I found this book to […]

When Motherhood Feels Too Hard - The Better Mom January 31, 2013 - 1:00 am

[…] and the transforming, I put it all into a book because surely every mother needs this! And When Motherhood Feels Too Hard was […]

Coming Soon: Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale! April 23, 2013 - 11:03 pm

[…] the Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale is Coming Soon! | Triple Braided Kids April 23, 2013 - 11:04 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale is Coming Soon! April 23, 2013 - 11:06 pm

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

A Library of Resources Coming Soon - More Than Four Walls April 24, 2013 - 5:36 am

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle April 24, 2013 - 6:31 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Best Thing You Can Do Next Week! April 24, 2013 - 6:55 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Coming Soon: The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle! | Modern Alternative Mama April 24, 2013 - 8:19 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom ($6.97) […]

The One Where I Have a Mental Breakdown, Promote Religion, & Then Get You Free Stuff April 24, 2013 - 9:11 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Awesome Sale You Don't Want to Miss - Homemaking Ebook Bundle - WAHM April 24, 2013 - 9:20 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Coming Soon: An Offer You Won’t Believe | April 24, 2013 - 9:47 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Coming Soon! - The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle! - Whole Intentions April 24, 2013 - 10:21 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Coming Next Week...You Don't Want to Miss It! - Simply Frugal April 24, 2013 - 11:25 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Coming Soon - ULTIMATE Homemaking eBook Collection! | Audra MichelleAudra Michelle April 24, 2013 - 11:58 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

This is an Unbelievable Deal for Homemakers! April 24, 2013 - 12:38 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle: 97 Books for Less Than $0.31 Cents Each! | Eat Nourishing April 24, 2013 - 1:47 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Huge Homemaking eBook Bundle Goes On Sale on Tuesday! — Denver Bargainsℱ April 24, 2013 - 3:00 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Huge Homemaking eBook Bundle Goes On Sale on Tuesday! April 24, 2013 - 3:01 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Every Homemaker’s Must Read List–Sale Starts Monday! | April 24, 2013 - 3:36 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Is Coming! April 24, 2013 - 5:01 pm

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

Homemakers- all of you! This announcement is for you! « Stitching Hearts Together April 24, 2013 - 8:55 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

MEGA Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale Coming Soon! - Nourishing Simplicity April 25, 2013 - 1:10 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Facts About The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Sale | Modern Alternative Health April 25, 2013 - 7:01 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

This makes the deal even sweeter for YOU! April 25, 2013 - 7:50 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle | Frugal Family Home April 25, 2013 - 11:29 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

97 Reasons to Visit this Blog: The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle April 25, 2013 - 12:03 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking ebook Bundle! - The Naptime Review April 25, 2013 - 7:29 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

A Pretty Amazing Homemaking Bundle Sale April 26, 2013 - 9:05 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle-97 eBooks and eCourses! - Faith Filled Food for Moms April 26, 2013 - 12:22 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle ~ 97 eBooks for $29.97. | Exceptionalistic April 26, 2013 - 12:52 pm

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Fit2B is part of The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle! | Fit2b studio April 26, 2013 - 1:07 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

A Present from Me–for All of My Overwhelmed Readers on a Budget April 26, 2013 - 2:00 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Mark Your Calendars HUGE E-book sale April 29th - May 4 - Hey, Donna! April 27, 2013 - 2:45 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The ULTIMATE Homemaking Resources – Available April 29–May 4! - The Nourishing Home April 28, 2013 - 3:32 am

[…] Tree ($2.50) ‱ My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) ‱ Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) ‱ Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle — 97 titles valued at $640 for less than 31 cents each April 28, 2013 - 10:35 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Just a little FYI . . . | Better with Cake April 28, 2013 - 4:14 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking ebook Bundle Codes - Gospel Homemaking April 28, 2013 - 4:22 pm

[…] by Amy @ Raising Arrows ($4.99) Your Grocery Budget Toolbox by Anne @ Authentic Simplicity ($7.99) Finding Financial Freedom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($5.97) Become a Frugalista in 30 Days by Susan @ The Confident Mom […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle! | Loving Simple Living April 29, 2013 - 12:31 am

[…] Finding Financial Freedom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($5.97) […]

Get The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle: 97 eBooks for Under Thirty Bucks! - Lakes Area Mom Squad April 29, 2013 - 1:35 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Homemaking 101: The Ultimate Homemaking eBook BundleFrom Cube to Farm April 29, 2013 - 2:03 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking ebook Collection bundle!! | Homemaker By Choice April 29, 2013 - 3:03 am

[…] the Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Get 97 E-books for $29.97 with The Ultimate Homemaking E-book Bundle! - Nourishing Joy April 29, 2013 - 4:48 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Resource Collection for Homemaking April 29, 2013 - 4:58 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Library April 29, 2013 - 5:13 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle! | Modern Alternative Kitchen April 29, 2013 - 6:01 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Homemaking Event of the Year: Save Big on Tons of eBooks, eCourses, and More! - The Home Life {and Me} April 29, 2013 - 7:25 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly at Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle - Organize 365 April 29, 2013 - 7:35 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

A Resource for Your Home April 29, 2013 - 7:39 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Resource - Amy Bayliss April 29, 2013 - 7:45 am

[…] June @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home ($7.00) Hula Hoop Girl by September @ One September Day ($4.99) When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($4.97) Mindset for Moms by Jamie @ Steady Days ($4.99) From Cube to […]

HUGE Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale {with Freebies!} April 29, 2013 - 7:55 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

10 Ways I Fail at Homemaking (and 97 effective ways to improve) - Creating Naturally April 29, 2013 - 7:56 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

For the next 6 days- 97 & 29 are your favorite numbers!! - Stitching Hearts Together April 29, 2013 - 7:56 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

It's Here! The Ultimate Homemaking Library with Freebies Has Arrived - More Than Four Walls April 29, 2013 - 7:59 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle ~ Grab this Deal! - Homeschool Creations April 29, 2013 - 8:00 am

[…] Resources: Princess Training ($3.99), The Armor of God ($2.50), My Bedtime Learning Book ($1.00), Think Outside the Classroom  ($6.97), Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle ($10.00), The ABC’s For Godly Boys […]

Huge Homemaking eBook Sale Starts Today! April 29, 2013 - 8:00 am

[…] Under the Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Announcing The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle!! {& Kindle Fire HD Giveaway!} April 29, 2013 - 8:00 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

the Complete Homemaking Library plus $140 in FREE STUFF! | Little Natural Cottage April 29, 2013 - 8:01 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Sale is Here!!! April 29, 2013 - 8:01 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle (and a giveaway)! - thesoutherninstitute.com April 29, 2013 - 8:01 am

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

All Your Favorite Topics in One Place: Huge eBook Resource! April 29, 2013 - 8:01 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Collection - April 29, 2013 - 8:02 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50)My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00)Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97)Raising Rock Stars ? Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle ~ 97 eBooks & eCourses for $29.97 April 29, 2013 - 8:02 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale - peacecreekontheprairie.com April 29, 2013 - 8:02 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Available TODAY! - New Life Steward April 29, 2013 - 8:03 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The ULTIMATE Homemaking Ebook Bundle (YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!!!) | Tidbits of Experience April 29, 2013 - 8:03 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle | Wholesome WomanhoodWholesome Womanhood April 29, 2013 - 8:04 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking Ebundle – 97 ebooks for just $29.97! | Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free April 29, 2013 - 8:04 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Homemade Hummus- Manic Monday Series | Embracing Everything Emma April 29, 2013 - 8:04 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

97 of the Best Homemaking Tools on the Net for .31 Each??!! | April 29, 2013 - 8:05 am

[…] perk: Buy a bundle from this page and you’ll be entered to win a free, hard copy of my book, When Motherhood Feels Too Hard and a copy of our Scripture Songs […]

97 Homemaking e-books for $29.97 – Freebies, my Favs, and Where to Buy April 29, 2013 - 8:05 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle! $600 Value for $29.97! | Real Food Outlaws April 29, 2013 - 8:06 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Not To Be Missed | Always Alleluia April 29, 2013 - 8:07 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Joy-Filled Days - Raising Kids. Keeping House. Choosing Joy, Everyday! April 29, 2013 - 8:08 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ginormous, Ultimate E-book Bundle! | A Delightful Glow April 29, 2013 - 8:09 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle - Gospel Homemaking April 29, 2013 - 8:11 am

[…] June @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home ($7.00) Hula Hoop Girl by September @ One September Day ($4.99) When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($4.97) Mindset for Moms by Jamie @ Steady Days ($4.99) From Cube to […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle - 1+1+1=1 April 29, 2013 - 8:12 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

97 Homemaking eBooks & eCourse for Just $29.97 April 29, 2013 - 8:14 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle Sale April 29, 2013 - 8:15 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle!!! April 29, 2013 - 8:17 am

[…] Finding Financial Freedom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($5.97) […]

The ULTIMATE Homemaking E-Book Bundle! April 29, 2013 - 8:18 am

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

the ultimate ebook bundle sale | the handmade home April 29, 2013 - 8:26 am

[…] ‱ Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Do You Need Help with Homemaking? Don’t Miss This Deal! | Modern Alternative Mama April 29, 2013 - 8:28 am

[…] the Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale is LIVE for 6 Days ONLY! - My Humble Kitchen April 29, 2013 - 8:32 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle (97 ebooks for less than 31 cents each!) April 29, 2013 - 8:36 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle Sale! | The MOB Society April 29, 2013 - 8:39 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Sale Starts Today! | April 29, 2013 - 8:43 am

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

$640 in Reading and Freebies for $29.97 This Week Only April 29, 2013 - 8:47 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Save 95% This Week! the Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Sale April 29, 2013 - 8:48 am

[…] Finding Financial Freedom by Kelly from Generation Cedar ($5.97) […]

Buy Now! The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle Is the Best Deal You’ll See This Year! | Look In Your House April 29, 2013 - 8:49 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale Starts Today! | muncho mom April 29, 2013 - 8:52 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

It’s finally here… | the Bossy Mom April 29, 2013 - 8:55 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Sale | Cooking Traditional Foods April 29, 2013 - 8:59 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle **LIVE**!!! | GeorgeTown, MN, Located Just On The Other Side Of Darkness April 29, 2013 - 9:00 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

» Huge book deal: get $640 in ebooks for $29.97: 97 books on parenting, cooking, organizing & decor, etc. Includes Truth in the Tinsel and Tell Your Time. Thrifty Christy: coupons, deals, events, and ways to save and serve in Maryville, TN April 29, 2013 - 9:03 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking ebook Bundle – 97 eBooks for Just $29.97! | Modern Alternative Pregnancy April 29, 2013 - 9:04 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ebook Sale! Homemaking ebook bundle - The Inspired Room April 29, 2013 - 9:10 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

A New Resource - Ultimate Homemaker eBook Bundle! | Under God's Mighty Hand April 29, 2013 - 9:14 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle–Hey Moms! 97 ebooks valued at $640 for 31 cents each | To Love, Honor and Vacuum April 29, 2013 - 9:17 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

AWESOME Homemaking/Marriage Bundle Available–This Week Only! | To Love, Honor and Vacuum April 29, 2013 - 9:18 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle | Contented at Home April 29, 2013 - 9:27 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

You Do Not Want to Miss This Incredible eBook Collection!Calming the Chaos and Clutter April 29, 2013 - 9:30 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

*HOT* Ultimate Homemaking eBook sale – 97 ebook + $140 in FREE bonuses for only $29.97! April 29, 2013 - 9:32 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Sale Has Begun! | April 29, 2013 - 9:54 am

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale! 97 eBooks Under $30 + Over $140 In Bonus Offers : Nature's Nurture April 29, 2013 - 10:00 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle for only $29.97 ($640 value!) - Simply Frugal April 29, 2013 - 10:10 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale April 29, 2013 - 10:15 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Get 97 homemaking ebooks plus $140 in bonuses for just $29.97 (this week only!) | Money Saving MomÂź April 29, 2013 - 10:29 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

IT's TIME! The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle is HERE - Franticmommy April 29, 2013 - 10:29 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

ebook bundle sale | Audra MichelleAudra Michelle April 29, 2013 - 10:32 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale {& Kindle Fire Giveaway}! April 29, 2013 - 10:34 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Don't Miss The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle - Frugal & Focused April 29, 2013 - 10:37 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook & eCourse Bundle | $640 Value for $29.97! | Free Homeschool Deals © April 29, 2013 - 10:42 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle: A Complete Library of 97 Books! | ListPlanIt April 29, 2013 - 10:49 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Your Summer Reading…For the Next Three Years April 29, 2013 - 11:04 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Homemaking Ebook Bundle Sale Starts Now! - Homemaking Organized Blog April 29, 2013 - 11:23 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Collection Sale Just $29.97 {$600 Value} - The Coupon Challenge April 29, 2013 - 11:25 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Are We There Yet? April 29, 2013 - 11:27 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle – just 31 cents a book | Are We There Yet? April 29, 2013 - 11:30 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking ebook bundle | Random Recycling April 29, 2013 - 11:34 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Huge Homemaking Ebook Bundle Sale! April 29, 2013 - 11:34 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Truth in the Tinsel… and a whole lot more April 29, 2013 - 11:35 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle | Joyful Mothering April 29, 2013 - 11:36 am

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle Sale is Now Live | Frugal Family Home April 29, 2013 - 11:37 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ebook Bundle to Help with Everything! April 29, 2013 - 11:51 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook & eCourse Library Bundle | $640 Value for $29.97! | Holy Spirit-led Homeschooling | Living the Life of Faith April 29, 2013 - 12:02 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

97 eBooks for $0.31 Each – HUGE Homemaking eBook Bundle! April 29, 2013 - 12:06 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

97 eBooks for $0.31 Each – HUGE Homemaking eBook Bundle! — Denver Bargainsℱ April 29, 2013 - 12:07 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

This is it! The Ultimate Homemaking 97 eBook Bundle!! April 29, 2013 - 12:09 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook: 97 Books Only $29.97! — Faithful Provisions April 29, 2013 - 12:14 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Everything eBook- The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle April 29, 2013 - 12:21 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle Sale! April 29, 2013 - 12:24 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle Sale April 29, 2013 - 12:58 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking (and Homeschooling) Ebook Bundle April 29, 2013 - 1:15 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale - $29.97 {$600+ Value!} - Amy Loves It! April 29, 2013 - 2:03 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Homeschool Roster April 29, 2013 - 2:19 pm

[…] by Amy @ Raising Arrows ($4.99) Your Grocery Budget Toolbox by Anne @ Authentic Simplicity ($7.99) Finding Financial Freedom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($5.97) Become a Frugalista in 30 Days by Susan @ The Confident Mom […]

97 Tools to Help You Keep House, Raise the Kids, and Love on Your Hubby - Authentic Simplicity April 29, 2013 - 2:47 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

It's Here! The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle - Nourishing Simplicity April 29, 2013 - 2:55 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle | prettychaoticmom April 29, 2013 - 3:10 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Collection! April 29, 2013 - 3:39 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking E-Book Bundle | Sleeping Home April 29, 2013 - 3:46 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Amazing Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle! « Petals from the Basket April 29, 2013 - 3:50 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale . . . and go! | Better with Cake April 29, 2013 - 3:59 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale – Today is the day! (97 ebooks for less than 31cents a piece, umm want!) | Real Fit Moms April 29, 2013 - 4:08 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Biggest Homemaking Toolbox is Here April 29, 2013 - 4:30 pm

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle: 97 eBooks valued at $640 for only $29.95 + $140 of Bonus Offers!! April 29, 2013 - 4:38 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Amazing Homemaking eBook Offer - An Oregon Cottage April 29, 2013 - 6:53 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Ebooks Galore on EVERYTHING to Help Your Life as MOM | Life As Mom April 29, 2013 - 8:03 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Get Your Ultimate Homemaking Library Today! | Audra MichelleAudra Michelle April 29, 2013 - 9:21 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Homemaking bundle, over $600 for only $29.97! | Large Family Mothering April 29, 2013 - 9:35 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

We All Need a Break April 29, 2013 - 11:17 pm

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

Children’s Educational Printables {Scripture-based homeschooling resources} | Little Natural Cottage April 30, 2013 - 5:01 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

one little happy thing {Starbucks giveaway} April 30, 2013 - 7:20 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale - KingdomFirstMom.com April 30, 2013 - 8:01 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

How to Find a Mentor April 30, 2013 - 10:05 am

[…] @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home ($7.00) Hula Hoop Girl by September @ One September Day ($4.99) When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($4.97) Mindset for Moms by Jamie @ Steady Days ($4.99) From Cube […]

Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle – $29.97 till May 4th – Reviews to follow | Tangled Thomas April 30, 2013 - 10:37 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle – 97 Resources for 31 Cents Each April 30, 2013 - 10:45 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaker ebook Bundle | Keeping Life Creative April 30, 2013 - 1:52 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Going Camping? Get The Family Camping Handbook as part of The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle April 30, 2013 - 2:17 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Going Camping? Get The Family Camping Handbook as part of The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle — Denver Bargainsℱ April 30, 2013 - 2:17 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle – only $29.97! | The Sensible Mom April 30, 2013 - 4:11 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

How & Why I’m Enjoying My Kids More April 30, 2013 - 7:15 pm

[…] Homemaking e-bundle is jam-packed with tools and encouragement. I’ve heard people say that When Motherhood Feels Too Hard was an all-time favorite book. And, I have really loved the blog Steady Mom, so I know […]

What Your Mission Trip Is Missing & the Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle ($640 Value for $29.97) May 1, 2013 - 12:32 am

[…] @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home ($7.00) Hula Hoop Girl by September @ One September Day ($4.99) When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($4.97) Mindset for Moms by Jamie @ Steady Days ($4.99) From Cube […]

Ultimate Homemaking Ebundle – 97 ebooks for just $29.97! | The Balanced Platter May 1, 2013 - 5:00 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaker Ebook Collection | Hillbilly Housewife May 1, 2013 - 9:01 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking E-Book Sale | Virtuous Housewife May 1, 2013 - 3:27 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Homemaking eBook Sale {97 eBook for $29.97} « Andrea Dekker May 1, 2013 - 5:03 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Do You Laugh With Your Kids? & the Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle ($640 Value for Only $29.97) May 1, 2013 - 9:04 pm

[…] @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home ($7.00) Hula Hoop Girl by September @ One September Day ($4.99) When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($4.97) Mindset for Moms by Jamie @ Steady Days ($4.99) From Cube […]

97 Homemaking eBooks for only $29.97!!! May 2, 2013 - 4:32 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle May 2, 2013 - 9:12 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle May 2, 2013 - 8:06 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

What to Read | Simple. Home. Blessings May 2, 2013 - 9:28 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

97 Ways to Eat Healthier, Work Smarter & Grow Stronger » The Cheapskate Cook May 2, 2013 - 9:40 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale! {97 eBooks for only $29.97} | Triple Braided Kids May 2, 2013 - 11:03 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Because Life is For Living May 3, 2013 - 8:02 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Last Chance: 97 Ebooks for Less than 31Âą Each + $140 in Freebies May 3, 2013 - 3:48 pm

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

Get 97 homemaking ebooks plus $140 in bonuses for just $29.97 (ends tomorrow!) | Money Saving MomÂź May 3, 2013 - 6:06 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

97 Ways to Solve Your Biggest Homemaking Challenges May 3, 2013 - 6:39 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Homemaking Bundle Ends TONIGHT, hurry get $640 for only $29.97! | Large Family Mothering May 3, 2013 - 8:55 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Important: Last Day and Final Chance for the Homemaking eBook Bundle May 3, 2013 - 11:01 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale Ends Today May 3, 2013 - 11:03 pm

[…] the Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

Last Chance Reminder! May 4, 2013 - 7:54 am

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Children's Educational Resources eBook BundleFrom Cube to Farm May 4, 2013 - 12:55 pm

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

Only a few hours left to get 95% off! | Real Fit Moms May 4, 2013 - 5:56 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Giveaway! The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle! | Real Food Outlaws May 6, 2013 - 7:37 pm

[…] My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten […]

A Homemaker's Dream Come True - $600 in Homemaking eBooks for $29.97 May 7, 2013 - 3:45 pm

[…] Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle | Loving Our Guts May 21, 2013 - 10:42 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

| June 13, 2013 - 1:17 pm

[…] ebooks 25% off for 5 days […]

It’s Here!! {The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle} | Darlene Collazo | {In Pursuit} June 17, 2013 - 9:51 pm

[…] When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($4.97) […]

Embracing Everything – Homemade Hummus- Manic Monday Series July 9, 2013 - 9:55 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

It's OVER: The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Collection » Beauty in the Mess July 19, 2013 - 3:49 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

97 Essential Tools For Every Home Manager: The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle | Home With Purpose August 28, 2013 - 8:01 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

| October 7, 2013 - 3:03 pm

[…] Enter your email address: Select Category abortion birth control christian living Christmas church/children’s ministry college Cooking/recipes dating/courtship family/parenting feminism frugal living/saving money health homeschooling humor John Piper large families Mark Driscoll marriage modesty motherhood pictures political pregnancy public school Quotes Rockin’ & Rulin’ Mothers single women Uncategorized video Voddie Baucham working moms /* 0 ) { location.href = "http://generationcedar.com/?cat="+dropdown.options%5Bdropdown.selectedIndex%5D.value; } } dropdown.onchange = onCatChange; /* ]]> */ See A Phonics Breakthrough At Your House […]

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle – i Dream of Clean October 18, 2013 - 1:57 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

ultimate homemaking ebook bundle: individual ebooks still available - A Life in Balance — A Life in Balance October 30, 2013 - 6:31 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Advice for Christian Parents November 11, 2013 - 4:04 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting ebook bundle only $7.40!!! - In All You Do November 11, 2013 - 8:00 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting eBook Bundle for Just $7.40! {BundleoftheWeek.com} | Family Your Way November 11, 2013 - 8:02 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford […]

Tracie Stier-Johnson November 11, 2013 - 8:07 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting eBook Bundle | ChristianSuperMom.com November 11, 2013 - 9:01 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That's a fact. It's labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the "wind beneath the wings" of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it's the mothers of our day! Kelly's Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Ebook Bundle: Christian Parenting | November 11, 2013 - 10:16 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting Ebook Bundle | Plumfield DreamsPlumfield Dreams November 11, 2013 - 12:12 pm

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting Bundle ~ 5 eBooks for $7.40 November 11, 2013 - 3:07 pm

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting Bundle {5 eBooks} - Joyful Mothering November 11, 2013 - 4:18 pm

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Bundle of the Week: Christian Parenting - Simply Living Simply November 11, 2013 - 6:50 pm

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

eBook Bundle of the Week: Christian Parenting November 11, 2013 - 7:05 pm

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

eBook Bundle of the Week: Christian Parenting - KingdomFirstMom.com November 11, 2013 - 8:25 pm

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

5 Christian Parenting eBooks for Just $7.40 November 12, 2013 - 1:02 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

5 Hard Things about Parenting Right Now (and 5 Easy) November 12, 2013 - 9:16 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting eBook Bundle - thriftyhomemaking.com | thriftyhomemaking.com November 12, 2013 - 12:06 pm

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Bundle of the Week #46 « Mind Body and Sole November 13, 2013 - 2:01 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting Resources {Let the Children Come} November 13, 2013 - 5:01 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting Book Bundle November 13, 2013 - 11:36 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

Christian Parenting eBook Bundle - Creative Home Keeper November 15, 2013 - 10:33 am

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford Motherhood is hard. That’s a fact. It’s labor-intensive, requiring the extraordinary courage and sacrifice of women who know much of their labor will not receive earthly accolades. Mothers are the “wind beneath the wings” of the next generation. If a group of people needs encouragement and help, it’s the mothers of our day! Kelly’s Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard is a book you will want to read over and over, written in small snippets for daily renewal. It is refreshing and inspiring, casting a vision for motherhood you may have never known and offering practical “survival tips” for the overwhelmed mom. […]

My Summer Reading list {The Ultimate Homemaking ebook bundle} January 26, 2014 - 11:31 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50)My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle | Jill's Home Remedies March 3, 2014 - 11:28 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle on Sale Now! | May 7, 2014 - 8:10 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle {Affiliate} | May 29, 2014 - 1:10 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

The ULTIMATE Homemaking Bundle! A FABULOUS DEAL! | To the Moon and Back July 19, 2014 - 4:38 pm

[…] Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) […]

Christian Parenting eBook Bundle for Just $7.40! {BundleoftheWeek.com} September 9, 2014 - 2:41 pm

[…] Devotions, Advice & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels Too Hard by Kelly Crawford […]

Homemaking Tips, Tricks, Routines and Resources just for Busy Moms! September 29, 2014 - 12:52 am

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

Don’t Fight the Crowds Black Friday Sale | November 28, 2014 - 9:16 am

[…] Browse our BOOKS & EBOOKS. […]

3 reasons why buying the Ultimate Bundle is the smartest purchase you'll ever make. - Encouragement for Christian Moms with Homeschooling, Saving Money and Raising ChildrenEncouragement for Christian Moms with Homeschooling, Saving Money and Raising April 23, 2015 - 3:02 pm

[…] get your choice of any 3 beautiful verse prints from my Etsy shop, Printable Poetry or any 3 of my Ebooks. These would make AWESOME Mother’s Day gifts for someone (just as the bundle […]

Huge Homemaking eBook Sale Starts Today! - Hilary Bernstein July 22, 2015 - 2:31 pm

[…] Under the Golden Apple Tree ($2.50) My Bedtime Learning Book by @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1) Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97) Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

What's Better Than These Gifts to Help Moms? Gifts for Moms on SALE! - Generation CedarGeneration Cedar November 30, 2015 - 9:36 am

[…] See all our BOOKS & EBOOKS. […]

NOW LIVE: The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale + Kindle Fire HD Giveaway! – species.tk September 18, 2017 - 3:39 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50)My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00)Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97)Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

COMING SOON: The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle Sale! – SomethingLovely.US September 18, 2017 - 4:20 pm

[…] Golden Apple Tree ($2.50)My Bedtime Learning Book by Richele @ Under the Golden Apple Tree ($1.00)Think Outside the Classroom by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($6.97)Raising Rock Stars — Kindergarten Bundle by Carissa @ […]

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